R&D has professionals with proven expertise in Phytochemistry, Analytical chemistry, Molecular biology, Microbiology and Pharmacology
Ayurveda, the science of life and longevity, is the oldest healthcare system in the world. Sprouted in India some 5000 years ago, Ayurveda is a unique, indispensable branch of medicine, a complete naturalistic system that depends on the diagnosis of your body’s humours – vata, pitta and kapha – to achieve the right balance. In India, Ayurveda is not just a healthcare system, but it is a part and parcel of every aspect of life. Ayurveda literally means “the knowledge” or “science”.
India has diverse plant species spread over different agro-climatic zones, vegetation zones, biotic provinces and habitats of specific species. India has a vast quantum of plants having medicinal value.
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Tele: +91 80 4172 2212
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Email: info@vidyaherbs.com
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Email: info@vidyajapan.co.jp
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Email: info@vidyaherbsusa.com
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Tele: +33-169073113
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Email: info@vidyaeurope.eu
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Tel: +79650651035
Email: info@vidyarus.com
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