R&D has professionals with proven expertise in Phytochemistry, Analytical chemistry, Molecular biology, Microbiology and Pharmacology
At Vidya Herbs, our scientists are performing exciting research in the field of neurological and lifestyle related disorders, oncology and women’s health. Most of the human diseases are treated by administering synthetic drugs available in the market. However, these drugs are associated with side effects. Development of natural products as alternative strategy for the diseases has been a vital area of research internationally. At Vidya researchers have been testing different herbal extracts to validate the efficacy.
During the past few years, we have scientifically validated our products effective against Type II diabetes and obesity, sexual dysfunction and cancer. We have also been working on immunomodulatory effects of herbal extracts using in vitro and in vivo models. We have been succeeded in identifying the composition of herbs that attribute to the therapeutic benefits. Several herbal extracts are being tested at preclinical stage while some on cell lines. Many of our products are being clinically tested through stringent efficacy trials. At Vidya, we give supreme importance to research. The success of Vidya is our ability to provide value added herbal extracts and formulations in order to improve the quality of life.
Vidya Building
#N3-3, 24th Main, JP Nagar
1st Phase, Bangalore – 560078 INDIA.
Tele: +91 80 4172 2212
+91 80 2653 1133
Fax: +91 80 2653 1134
Email: info@vidyaherbs.com
6F Sai Building, -22,
Nishiazabu, 3-Chome,
Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan 106-0031
Tele: +81-(0)3-6721-0430
Fax: +81(0)3-6721-0971
Email: info@vidyajapan.co.jp
1412 East Valencia Drive
Fullerton, CA 92831
Fax: 714-992-1289
Email: info@vidyaherbsusa.com
7 Avenue de Norvege
91140 Villebon-Sur-Yvette,
Tele: +33-169073113
Fax: +33-967203119
Email: info@vidyaeurope.eu
Indigo Icon Tower,
DMCC Cluster F,
Dubai-UAE,Po Box No: 26139
Tele: +9714 427 0498
Email: info@vidyaglobaldmcc.com
United Kingdom
2 Eastbourne Terrace,
London W2 6LG,
The United Kingdom
Email: traders@vidyaglobal.coffee
Savushkina Street, 83, Liter A,
Office No: 234, 197374 Saint-Petersburg,
Russian Federation.
Tel: +79650651035
Email: info@vidyarus.com
Seoul Korea
#4B, Jigani Industrial Area,
Phase – 1, Anekal Taluk,
Bangalore – 560 105 INDIA.
Level 5, Nexus Building, 4 Columbia Court, BAULKHAM HILLS, NSW, 2153 Australia
Tel: +612 8896 4314
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