R&D has professionals with proven expertise in Phytochemistry, Analytical chemistry, Molecular biology, Microbiology and Pharmacology
“By continuously working towards satisfaction of our customers in terms of quality of our products, our ultimate goal is to bring smile and happiness of the people who use our products by improving their quality of life naturally. We take full responsibility and commitment to take positive and concrete steps to enhance our efficiency and capacity from our customer feedbacks and everytime actively participating to work with the customers. We are very grateful to our customers all the time”.
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Email: info@vidyaherbs.com
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Email: info@vidyajapan.co.jp
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Fax: 714-992-1289
Email: info@vidyaherbsusa.com
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Email: info@vidyaeurope.eu
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Email: info@vidyaglobaldmcc.com
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Email: traders@vidyaglobal.coffee
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Tel: +612 8896 4314
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